
what we're all about

Hello lovely people! If you are reading this, you are one lucky dog for finding your way to our little corner of the blogosphere. ;)

Okay, that's not true. So far it's just me on here so don't be too excited. Soon, however, there will be some stellar ladies beginning to post here, and i am sure that you and me will both be blessed by what they have to say.

So right now I'm just going to tell you guys a little about why we are here and why we are doing this. My desire in starting this blog, and the purpose we have all agreed on, is threefold:

1) The Bible paints a clear picture of what Christian women should be living like. While we understand that men and women are equal in the sight of God, we also recognize that men and women have unique roles and face different challenges in life. We also believe that, as Christians, we should look different from the women of the world. That being said, we want this to be a place where women can discuss the idea of Biblical Womanhood and what that means for our lives. Along this line, we also want to live out Titus 2:3-5, which is why I have chosen women from all different walks of life, who are at different points in life and facing different struggles and experiences. To sum it all up, this is to be a place of sharing, encouragement, and edification.

2) Another reason I want to do this is because I think there are many issues that need to be discussed and studied and understood better. Weak theology is pretty prevalent in American Christianity today, and has lead to so many false versions of Christianity. I firmly believe that we cannot love God unless we actually know Him, and theology is exactly that (the study of God.) Good theology (through reading and studying Scripture) is important in helping us in so many ways:
-Knowing God better
-Preparing for suffering
-Preparing for temptation
-Preparing for persecution
-Preparing and spurring us to go make disciples
-Forming our worldview
-Teaching/encouraging us to pray
This is definitely not an exhaustive list, but I hope it gives you a glimpse of why good theology is important. In this post John Piper claims that wimpy theology makes wimpy women. We don't want to be wimpy women, we want to be standing strong in and for Christ. So we will discuss theology, even when it is hard or controversial, because it is important.

3) In my experiences, I've had a lot of people who are constantly dogging the internet and saying it is "of the devil" or "a waste of time" or "leads to no good." While maybe these things can be true in some situations, I believe wholeheartedly that everything in creation is meant to bring glory to God, and the internet isn't an exception to this. The internet allows us to do so much that was impossible before: in seconds you can connect to people halfway across the world. You can share knowledge and information, or you can speak to a loved one on the mission field, or doctors can direct a surgery for a dying child halfway across the world. As Christians, we shouldn't be hiding from the internet just because some people abuse it. Rather, I believe we should embrace it and use it for glorifying God and sharing the gospel. So, that is my goal for this blog. We will have contributors from North Carolina, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and Colorado. In fact, Sarah will be going on the World Race and will be able to post while she is traveling to 11 different countries around the world. Amazing, right?! While a blog is not the ideal way or the only way to fellowship with other Christian women (you certainly need to be interacting face-to-face), I believe that it is an incredibly useful tool that God has given us and He intends for us to make the best use of it, so that is what we will try to do.

If you read the above, you should have gathered that all the contributors to this blog are Christian women. I am resolved to being Biblical, and we will all be writing from a Biblical perspective. If you are not a Christian, you are more than welcome to read and comment, and I am totally open to civil discussion. However, I don't intend for this to be a place for arguments, and if you become rude or harass my girls, we will have issues. This is a place of encouragement and discussion. If you disagree with our position as Christians, you are welcome to stick around as long as you are respectful and calmly discussing. While I will respect all different opinions and religions, comments that attack others or don't respect the purpose of this blog are going to be deleted. Just a fair warning. :)

I would also like to point out that every one of us writing recognizes our fallibility and understand that we are all sinners, and all flawed, and all lack understanding. None of us claim to know the Bible inside and out, or to have everything figured out. To Christians reading this blog: If anyone finds something questionable in any of my posts, I would appreciate being told. You can be prepared because I will make mistakes and probably say some stupid, haughty stuff. If that's the case, I beg you to come and tell me, and I will make any necessary changes. I think I am safe in saying that this probably goes for the other ladies as well.

I think that about covers everything. We will begin posting before the end of the month. All of the girls writing for the blog are ladies in whom I have seen a passion for God and a desire to be like Christ. I'm so excited to introduce them to you!!!! Stay tuned. :)

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