
Our Role as Women

As women, I believe we were created to be a helpmate- not the career-driven women which society has pushed upon us women. God created us to take care of the house and raise children. You are probably thinking, “Wow, Sarah, that is so pretentious and closed-minded of you to claim that.” I did not always believe this was our role as women though. My mom is a very hardworking, amazing, but career-driven woman. Growing up, I was somewhat confused about my role as a women, just based on my parents relationship. (Disclaimer: my parents are both absolutely amazing and I love them both so very much!!). My mom is a doctor and worked all day, then would come home, make dinner, do laundry, take care of us kids and do it all over the next day. Essentially, she was trying to do two full time jobs as once!! (I sincerely do believe that running a house and being a mom is a full time job!!) So, this was my paradigm growing up. When I got to college, I chose pre-med as a major, desiring to follow in her footsteps. It was around that time that I started a relationship with God and started to learn about biblical womanhood and the difference between men and women.

As I grew in my relationship with God, my desire to serve Him and glorify Him grew more and more. Us women were created to serve and glorify God in a different way than men. We are to be the helpmate, supporter, encourager. This does NOT mean however, that our ideas, dreams and desires don't matter. THEY DO MATTER! There are many bible verses that speak of wives submitting to their husbands, such as Ephesians 5:22. Men are called to be the spiritual leader of the household and women are to follow their lead, thus submitting to their husband. I believe that one reason why women get offended by and struggle with this verse is because they are yoked with a man whose authority they do not respect. As women, we need to encourage the men around us to step up and be the men of God and spiritual leaders God has created them to be!

So, women, I leave you with this small piece of advice. DO NOT SETTLE AND DO NOT PURSUE A MAN. Let the man pursue you, make him earn your trust and allow him to lead. I loveeee the way Blair put it: “ If you are a woman in a relationship, your role is to help your husband and support him as leader. You should feel honored and important, but also humble and submissive to the leader in your family.” Amen, sister! When you let the man do what the man is supposed to do in a relationship, life is just so much sweeter. You will feel truly loved, respected and appreciated and will in turn be able to give love, respect and appreciation back in a much more genuine and sincere way.


  1. beautiful. well said. This is very encouraging , and helps me to further appreciate the design of God. Thank you
    ** Just one thing : it is Ephesians 5:22

    Thanks for this article !

  2. Thanks for your sweet comments! Sarah did an awesome job on this post!
    Do you have a blog?

    And you are very right about that...typos hehe :)

